Spicy Ginger Rum Delight


Perfect blend of heat and sweetness

Spicy Ginger Rum Delight

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:I want a cocktail with ginger , add rum or whiskey make it a bit spicy I have spicy and winder spicy ingredients maybe add honey simple syrup and lime I have cinnamon. Maybe add orgeat or disarono
*Estimated by AI - may vary


This cocktail is a perfect blend of heat and sweetness, with a kick of ginger and a touch of warmth. It's the ideal drink to spice up your evening. Here's how to make it: Ingredients: - 2 oz rum (or whiskey, if you prefer) - 1-inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled and sliced - 1 tsp honey - 1 tsp cinnamon powder - 1 tsp lime juice - 1/2 oz orgeat syrup (almond syrup) - Optional: 1/2 oz Disaronno liqueur for added sweetness Instructions: 1. In a cocktail shaker, muddle the ginger slices to release its flavor and spice. 2. Add the rum (or whiskey), honey, cinnamon powder, lime juice, and orgeat syrup. 3. If desired, add the Disaronno liqueur for a touch of sweetness. 4. Fill the shaker with ice and shake vigorously to combine all the ingredients. 5. Strain the mixture into a glass filled with fresh ice cubes. 6. Garnish with a ginger slice or a sprinkle of cinnamon powder (optional). 7. Enjoy your Spicy Ginger Rum Delight! Note: If you prefer a spicier taste, you can add a few dashes of hot sauce or a pinch of cayenne pepper to the cocktail shaker before shaking. Adjust the flavors according to your preference and enjoy responsibly! Cheers!


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