Velvet Serenade


Refreshing and vibrant cocktail with a perfect balance of sweetness, tartness, and effervescence

Velvet Serenade

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Varies depending on the ABV of the vodka used*
Approximately 150 calories*
Net Carbs
Approximately 10 grams of net carbs*
AI Request:Simple Cocktail of vodka and fruit syrup and soda
*Estimated by AI - may vary


The Velvet Serenade is a refreshing and vibrant cocktail that offers a perfect balance of sweetness, tartness, and effervescence. This easy-to-make drink is ideal for those looking for a simple yet delightful cocktail that can be enjoyed on any occasion. Ingredients: - 2 oz Vodka - 1 oz Fruit Syrup (Choose your favorite flavor, e.g., raspberry, peach, or blackberry) - Soda Water to top up - Fresh fruit matching the syrup flavor (for garnish) - Ice cubes - A sprig of fresh mint (optional for garnish) Instructions: 1. Fill a highball glass with ice cubes to chill the glass. 2. Pour in 2 oz of vodka over the ice. 3. Add 1 oz of your chosen fruit syrup to the glass. 4. Gently pour soda water into the glass until nearly full, leaving some room for the fruit garnish. 5. Stir the mixture lightly with a bar spoon to combine the vodka, syrup, and soda. 6. Garnish with fresh fruit that complements the syrup used. If you're using raspberry syrup, add a few fresh raspberries, for instance. 7. Optionally, add a sprig of fresh mint for a touch of color and a refreshing aroma. 8. Serve immediately and enjoy the smooth and sweet melody of the Velvet Serenade. The Velvet Serenade cocktail is served in a highball glass, ensuring the perfect sip of this fizzy and delightful concoction with every taste. Cheers!


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