Velvet Hazelnut Bliss


Luscious, nutty cocktail with Bourbon, Baileys, and hazelnut

Velvet Hazelnut Bliss

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Create a nutty and sweet cocktail with a hint of hazelnut, incorporating Bourbon whiskey, Baileys Irish Cream liqueur, and Frangelico
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Description: The Velvet Hazelnut Bliss is a luscious, nutty cocktail that combines the smoothness of Bourbon whiskey with the creaminess of Baileys Irish Cream and the rich, sweet notes of hazelnut from Frangelico. This luxurious drink is perfect for sipping after dinner or as a decadent treat on a relaxed evening. Topped with a sprinkle of crushed hazelnuts and a chocolate swirl, this cocktail delivers a delightful texture and an indulgent experience. Ingredients: - 1.5 oz Bourbon whiskey - 1 oz Baileys Irish Cream liqueur - 0.5 oz Frangelico hazelnut liqueur - 2 oz Half-and-half or heavy cream - Ice cubes - A pinch of crushed hazelnuts for garnish - Chocolate syrup for garnish - Optional: dark chocolate shavings for an extra touch of indulgence Glass: - Old Fashioned glass Instructions: 1. Drizzle the inside of an Old Fashioned glass with chocolate syrup, creating a decorative swirl pattern. Place the glass in the freezer for a few minutes to allow the syrup to set. 2. In a shaker, combine the Bourbon whiskey, Baileys Irish Cream, Frangelico, and half-and-half (or heavy cream) with ice. 3. Shake well until the mixture is chilled and well-blended. 4. Take the pre-chilled Old Fashioned glass out of the freezer and fill it with ice cubes. 5. Strain the cocktail mixture into the glass over the ice. 6. Sprinkle a pinch of crushed hazelnuts over the top of the cocktail. 7. Optionally, garnish with dark chocolate shavings for an extra layer of chocolatey goodness. 8. Serve immediately and enjoy the velvety, nutty flavors of your Velvet Hazelnut Bliss.


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