Twilight Smoke


Mesmerizing blend of smoky, citrusy, and frothy elements

Twilight Smoke

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:make me a unique mezcalita with egg white
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Dive into a mesmerizing blend of smoky, citrusy, and frothy elements with the Twilight Smoke. A unique twist on the classic mezcalita, this cocktail brings together the earthy tones of mezcal with a silky egg white foam, creating a visually stunning and tastefully balanced drink. Perfect for those looking to explore the depth of mezcal while enjoying a creamy, sophisticated cocktail. Ingredients: - 2 oz Mezcal (preferably one with a smoky profile) - 1 oz Fresh lime juice - 1/2 oz Orange liqueur - 1/2 oz Agave syrup (adjust to taste) - 1 Fresh egg white - A pinch of salt - Ice cubes - Garnish: A slice of lime or an edible flower for a touch of elegance Instructions: 1. In a cocktail shaker, combine the mezcal, fresh lime juice, orange liqueur, agave syrup, and a pinch of salt. Shake the ingredients briefly to mix. 2. Add the egg white to the shaker. Ensure there's no yolk or shell fragments for a smooth foam. 3. Perform a dry shake (without ice) vigorously for about 15 seconds to help emulsify the egg white and create a frothy texture. 4. Fill the shaker with ice cubes and shake again vigorously for about 20 seconds to chill and dilute the cocktail, further enhancing the foam. 5. Double strain the mixture into a chilled coupe glass to catch any ice chips and ensure a smooth texture. 6. Garnish with a slice of lime on the rim or float an edible flower on top of the foam for a beautiful, Instagram-worthy presentation. Serving Glass: Serve in a chilled coupe glass to accentuate the elegance and allow the aroma of the mezcal to come forward, enhancing the drinking experience. The Twilight Smoke offers a harmonious balance of smoky, sour, sweet, and salty notes, topped with a luxurious, velvety foam. It's an innovative cocktail that promises to take your senses on an unforgettable journey.


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