Twilight Brew Whisper


Rich coffee and delicate tea cocktail

Twilight Brew Whisper

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:a cocktail use coffee and tea
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Description: Twilight Brew Whisper is an elegantly layered cocktail that marries the rich, bold flavors of coffee with the delicate aroma of tea, creating a symphony of taste that dances on the palate. This drink encapsulates the transition from day to night, offering the perfect balance of stimulation and relaxation. It's a cocktail that speaks to the soul, perfect for early evenings when the world hovers in a magical in-between. Ingredients: - 1 oz Cold Brew Coffee - 1 oz Earl Grey Tea (strongly brewed and cooled) - 0.5 oz Coffee Liqueur - 0.5 oz Amaretto - 1 oz Vodka - 0.5 oz Simple Syrup - 1 Dash of Orange Bitters - Garnish: Twist of Orange Peel and a few Coffee Beans Glass: Serve in a chilled coupe glass for a touch of elegance. Instructions: 1. Begin by brewing a strong cup of Earl Grey tea and allow it to cool. Ensure the tea is made stronger than usual to stand up to the other ingredients. 2. In a shaker, combine the cold brew coffee, cooled Earl Grey tea, coffee liqueur, amaretto, vodka, simple syrup, and a dash of orange bitters. 3. Fill the shaker with ice, ensuring there's enough to chill the mixture without overly diluting the flavors. 4. Shake well until the outside of the shaker feels cold, about 15-20 seconds. 5. Double strain the mixture into the chilled coupe glass to ensure a smooth concoction devoid of ice shards or tea leaves. 6. Garnish with a twist of orange peel, expressing the oil over the drink and rimming the glass before dropping it in. Add a few coffee beans on top for an aromatic allure. 7. Serve immediately and watch as the evening takes an enchanting turn with each sip of the Twilight Brew Whisper.


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