Tropical Spice Voyage


Exotic island escape in a glass

Tropical Spice Voyage

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:A rum based cocktail with cinnamon syrup, coconut cream, and orange juice
*Estimated by AI - may vary


This innovative cocktail whisks you away on a gustatory journey, blending the soothing warmth of spices with the vibrant zest of tropical fruits. Perfect for those evenings when you crave an escape to an exotic island. Ingredients: - 2 oz Dark Rum - 1 oz Cinnamon Syrup - 2 oz Coconut Cream - 2 oz Fresh Orange Juice - 1/2 oz Lime Juice - A pinch of Nutmeg (for garnish) - An Orange Twist (for garnish) - Crushed Ice Glass: - Highball Glass Instructions: 1. In a shaker, combine the dark rum, cinnamon syrup, coconut cream, fresh orange juice, and lime juice. 2. Fill the shaker with crushed ice and shake vigorously until the outside of the shaker feels cold, about 15 to 20 seconds. 3. Strain the mixture into a highball glass filled with crushed ice. 4. Garnish with a pinch of nutmeg and an orange twist on the rim of the glass. 5. Serve immediately and enjoy the fusion of flavors that make the Tropical Spice Voyage a uniquely refreshing and comforting cocktail.


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