Tropical Parrot Paradise


Tropical Parrot Paradise cocktail

Tropical Parrot Paradise

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:a light rum cocktail featuring hints of blood orange and tropical herbs. served in a clear glass shaped like a parrot. the background should be a tropical oasis
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Step into a tropical oasis with our signature cocktail, the Tropical Parrot Paradise. This delightful concoction blends the smoothness of light rum with the exotic notes of blood orange and a touch of tropical herbs, transporting you straight to paradise. To craft this vibrant sip, you will need: - 2 oz light rum - 1 oz blood orange juice - 1/2 oz tropical herb-infused simple syrup - 1/2 oz freshly squeezed lime juice - Splash of sparkling water - Blood orange slice and tropical herb sprig (for garnish) - Crushed ice In a cocktail shaker, combine the light rum, blood orange juice, tropical herb-infused simple syrup, and freshly squeezed lime juice. Shake vigorously to mix and chill the ingredients. Next, take a clear glass shaped like a parrot and fill it halfway with crushed ice. Strain the cocktail mixture into the glass, allowing it to cascade over the ice. For that extra touch of paradise, add a splash of sparkling water to give a refreshing effervescence. Garnish your Tropical Parrot Paradise with a slice of blood orange and a sprig of tropical herbs, enhancing the visual appeal and aroma of the drink. Now, you're ready to sip away, indulging in the tropical flavors and imagining yourself lounging in a lush oasis. Cheers to a taste of paradise!


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