The Harmonic Whisp


cocktail embodying balance and innovation

The Harmonic Whisp

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Create a original cocktail inspired by a "The Harmony" with infusing base spirits. Use homemade liqueur or syrup or infused spirits.and that uses an advanced mixology teqhnique. and description all recipe. Not use oz instead of ml
*Estimated by AI - may vary


The Harmonic Whisp is a cocktail that embodies balance and innovation, where every sip delivers a symphony of flavors. This creation is a testament to the art of mixology, combining infused spirits, homemade syrups, and the elegance of advanced techniques. **Glass:** Coupette **Ingredients:** - 50ml Lavender and Honey Infused Gin: (To infuse, combine 750ml of your favorite gin with 3 tablespoons of dried lavender and 4 tablespoons of honey. Let it sit for 48 hours, then strain.) - 20ml Jasmine Tea Syrup: (Brew jasmine tea and mix with equal parts sugar until dissolved. Cool before use.) - 10ml Lemon Juice, freshly squeezed - A dash of Egg White (approximately 15ml) for texture and froth - Edible Gold Leaf and a Sprig of Lavender, for garnish **Preparation:** 1. **Creating the Foam:** Begin with the egg white in a shaker. Use a technique called "reverse dry shake." First, shake the egg white without ice furiously to build a foam. Then add ice and the rest of the ingredients excluding the garnishes. This ensures a silky-smooth texture with a beautiful layer of foam on top. 2. In the shaker, add the lavender and honey infused gin, jasmine tea syrup, and lemon juice to the pre-formed foam. Fill the shaker with ice and shake vigorously. The idea is to chill the cocktail while maintaining the frothy texture created by the egg white. 3. Double strain the mixture into a chilled coupette to ensure a smooth texture, devoid of ice chips or any herbal residues. 4. For garnish, gently place an edible gold leaf on the foam and add a sprig of lavender on the rim. The gold leaf will add a visual elegance, while the lavender reinforces the aromatic profile of the drink. **Serving Suggestion:** Serve immediately after preparation to enjoy the nuanced interplay of floral gin, aromatic syrup, and the rich texture provided by the shaken egg white. The Harmonic Whisp is an embodiment of mixology as an art form, perfect for moments that call for reflection and celebration.


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