Sunrise Serenade


Citrus zest and coffee notes in non-alcoholic cocktail

Sunrise Serenade

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:I'll want a non-alcoholic cocktail with coffee foam and a citrus
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Dive into a refreshing blend of citrus zest and delicate coffee notes with the Sunrise Serenade. A non-alcoholic cocktail that promises an invigorating taste experience, beautifully capped with a creamy coffee foam to delight both your palate and your eyes. Perfect for any time of day when you need a sophisticated pick-me-up without the buzz of alcohol. Ingredients: - 4 oz Fresh Orange Juice - 2 oz Fresh Pink Grapefruit Juice - 1 oz Fresh Lemon Juice - 1 oz Honey Syrup (equal parts honey and hot water) - 2 oz Chilled Espresso - 0.5 oz Vanilla Syrup - Ice - Orange Spiral or Lemon Twist, for garnish Coffee Foam: - 2 oz Strong Brewed Coffee (cooled) - 1 oz Heavy Cream - 0.5 oz Simple Syrup - A pinch of Salt To Serve: - Highball Glass Instructions: 1. Begin by preparing the coffee foam. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the strong brewed coffee, heavy cream, simple syrup, and a pinch of salt until well combined. Use an electric hand mixer or a milk frother to whip the mixture until it forms a light and fluffy foam. Set aside. 2. In a cocktail shaker, combine the fresh orange juice, pink grapefruit juice, lemon juice, honey syrup, chilled espresso, and vanilla syrup. Fill the shaker with ice and shake vigorously for about 15 seconds, or until well chilled. 3. Strain the mixture into a highball glass filled with ice. 4. Carefully spoon the coffee foam over the top of the drink, filling the glass to the brim. 5. Garnish with an orange spiral or lemon twist. 6. Serve immediately and enjoy the uplifting fusion of citrus and coffee, culminating in the Sunrise Serenade. The Sunrise Serenade is a testament to the harmonious blend of flavors that can be achieved without alcohol, making it a perfect choice for gatherings where guests might prefer a non-alcoholic option or for a refreshing morning or afternoon treat.


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