Sunrise Creamsicle Fizz


Delightful twist on classic mimosa

Sunrise Creamsicle Fizz

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:orange creamsicle mimosa
*Estimated by AI - may vary


A delightful twist on the classic mimosa, the Sunrise Creamsicle Fizz captures the nostalgic flavors of an orange creamsicle. This bubbly and creamy concoction delivers a smooth, citrusy punch with a playful effervescence, making it perfect for brunch or a sunny afternoon treat. **Ingredients:** - 2 oz freshly squeezed orange juice (chilled) - 1 oz vanilla-flavored vodka - 1/2 oz triple sec or orange liqueur - 1/2 oz heavy cream or half-and-half - 3 oz sparkling wine or champagne (chilled) - A dash of orange bitters (optional) - Orange zest twist for garnish - Vanilla pod for garnish (optional) - Whipped cream for garnish (optional) **Instructions:** 1. In a shaker, combine the orange juice, vanilla-flavored vodka, triple sec, and heavy cream. 2. Fill the shaker with ice and shake vigorously until well-chilled. 3. Strain the mixture into a chilled champagne flute or a coupe glass. 4. Top with sparkling wine or champagne, pouring gently to maintain the effervescence. 5. Add a dash of orange bitters if desired, for a deeper flavor profile. 6. Garnish with an orange zest twist, and if you're feeling indulgent, add a small vanilla pod or a dollop of whipped cream on top. **Glass:** Serve in a champagne flute or a coupe glass to emphasize the elegance and allow the bubbles to rise beautifully, giving a sense of celebration to this playful take on a mimosa. The vanilla garnish not only adds to the aroma but also presents a striking visual against the orange hue of the drink.


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