Summer Sakura Bliss


Japanese garden in summer cocktail

Summer Sakura Bliss

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:A japanese inspired cocktail made with plum sake and japanese vodka that introduces summer
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Transport your senses to a serene Japanese garden in summer with the Summer Sakura Bliss. This cocktail is a harmonious blend of delicate plum flavors and the crisp, clean essence of Japanese vodka, embodying the fleeting beauty of cherry blossoms under the warm sun. Perfect for those evenings when you seek tranquility and joy in a glass. - 2 oz Japanese Plum Sake - 1 oz Japanese Vodka - 0.5 oz Sakura Syrup (cherry blossom syrup - available at specialty stores or online) - 0.5 oz Fresh Lemon Juice - 2-3 oz Chilled Sparkling Water - A dash of Orange Bitters - Ice Cubes - Garnish: A thin slice of plum and a small cherry blossom (or an edible flower if cherry blossoms are not available) **Glass**: Serve in a highball glass to showcase the cocktail's beautiful gradients. **Preparation**: 1. In a shaker, combine the plum sake, Japanese vodka, sakura syrup, fresh lemon juice, and orange bitters with ice cubes. 2. Shake well until the mixture is well-chilled. 3. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice. 4. Gently pour chilled sparkling water to top it off, creating a layered effect. 5. Stir lightly to incorporate the sparkling water while maintaining its effervescence. 6. Garnish with a thin slice of plum on the rim and float a small cherry blossom atop the drink as a nod to the fleeting beauty of Japanese summers. **Serving Suggestion**: The Summer Sakura Bliss is best enjoyed on a warm, gentle evening, perhaps alongside light appetizers or sushi, allowing the cocktail to bring a refreshing and elegant touch to your summer gatherings.


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