Starry Night Indulgence


Dessert-like cocktail with Ben & Jerry's The Tonight Dough

Starry Night Indulgence

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Make me something with Ben and Jerry's The Tonight Dough
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Indulge in a whimsical cocktail that celebrates the playful spirit of Ben and Jerry's The Tonight Dough. The Starry Night Indulgence is a creamy, dreamy blend that features the rich flavors of cookie dough and chocolate fudge, with a hint of coffee to keep the conversation lively. This dessert-like drink is perfect as an after-dinner treat or a special occasion indulgence – a true testament to the joy of flavor exploration. Ingredients: - 2 scoops Ben & Jerry's The Tonight Dough ice cream - 1 oz coffee liqueur - 1 oz vanilla vodka - 0.5 oz Irish cream liqueur - 2 oz cold brew coffee - Whipped cream (for garnish) - Mini chocolate chips (for garnish) - Caramel sauce (for garnish) Glass: - Large coupe glass Instructions: 1. Begin by chilling the coupe glass in the freezer to ensure your cocktail stays cold. 2. In a blender, add the Ben & Jerry's The Tonight Dough ice cream, coffee liqueur, vanilla vodka, Irish cream liqueur, and cold brew coffee. 3. Blend the ingredients until smooth and creamy, ensuring the ice cream is fully incorporated with the liquids. 4. Drizzle caramel sauce inside the chilled coupe glass in a swirling pattern for a decorative touch. 5. Gently pour the blended mixture into the glass, taking care not to disturb the caramel pattern. 6. Garnish the top with a dollop of whipped cream, a sprinkle of mini chocolate chips, and a light drizzle of caramel sauce. 7. Serve immediately with a straw and a long spoon to enjoy the full texture of this indulgent cocktail. The Starry Night Indulgence is a dessert in a glass, capturing the essence of a clear night sky filled with twinkling delights. Each sip promises a journey through the velvety cosmos of Ben and Jerry's The Tonight Dough, making it an unforgettable experience for any sweet tooth or cocktail enthusiast.


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