Spicy Pineapple Sunset


Tropical heat meets spicy kick in innovative cocktail

Spicy Pineapple Sunset

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Create with the following ingredients: Pineapple Juice Chillie Vodka Eggs white Spicy Roast Pineapple Syrup Lime
*Estimated by AI - may vary


The Spicy Pineapple Sunset is a daring and innovative cocktail that captures the essence of tropical heat with a smooth, frothy finish. Designed for those who love a bit of adventure in their glass, this drink combines the sweetness of pineapple with a fiery kick from chili-infused vodka and a unique spicy roasted pineapple syrup, balanced perfectly with the freshness of lime and the silky texture of egg white. Ingredients: - 2 oz Chili Vodka - 1 oz Pineapple Juice - 0.5 oz Spicy Roast Pineapple Syrup - 0.5 oz Fresh Lime Juice - 1 Egg White - Ice - Pineapple wedge or lime wheel, for garnish - A small pinch of ground chili for garnish (optional) Instructions: 1. In a cocktail shaker, combine the chili vodka, pineapple juice, spicy roast pineapple syrup, fresh lime juice, and egg white. 2. Dry shake (without ice) vigorously for about 15 seconds to emulsify the egg white. 3. Add a handful of ice to the shaker and shake again vigorously until well-chilled. 4. Double strain into a chilled coupe glass to ensure no ice shards or egg white remnants make it into the glass. 5. If desired, lightly dust with ground chili on the foam for an extra kick. 6. Garnish with a pineapple wedge or lime wheel on the rim of the glass. Glass: - Coupe Glass The Spicy Pineapple Sunset offers a complex flavor profile that starts with a zesty, tropical sweetness, moves through a smooth, creamy body, and finishes with a lingering spicy warmth that invites you to take another sip. Perfect for summer evenings or as a signature cocktail at an adventurous gathering.


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