Smooth Jazz Serenade


Smooth Jazz Serenade mocktail with bold flavors

Smooth Jazz Serenade

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:A mocktail based off of jazz music, something smooth and rich like cinnamon, chocolate, something with really bold and rich flavors, maybe something fruity like oranges
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Immerse yourself in the soulful depths of jazz with the Smooth Jazz Serenade, a mocktail that captures the essence of a smooth, rich melody through its captivating blend of bold flavors. This non-alcoholic delight combines the warmth of cinnamon, the indulgence of chocolate, and the bright zest of orange, creating a symphony of taste that dances smoothly on your palate. Perfect for any time you need a moment of luxurious relaxation without the buzz. Ingredients: - 1 oz chocolate syrup, plus extra for glass decoration - 2 oz fresh orange juice, strained - 1/2 oz cinnamon syrup (homemade or store-bought) - 2 oz coconut milk, for a creamy texture and richness - A splash of soda water, to add a bit of fizz - Ice cubes - Garnish: Orange twist and a cinnamon stick Serving Glass: Serve in a chilled old-fashioned glass to emphasize the richness and depth of the mocktail's flavors, decorated with a drizzle of chocolate syrup on the inside for an extra touch of elegance. Instructions: 1. Begin by taking an old-fashioned glass and chilling it in the freezer for about 5 minutes. 2. Drizzle chocolate syrup in a spiral inside the glass, creating a visually appealing pattern. 3. In a cocktail shaker, combine the fresh orange juice, cinnamon syrup, and coconut milk. Add ice cubes and shake vigorously until well chilled. 4. Fill the prepared glass with ice cubes to the brim. 5. Strain the mixture from the shaker into the glass, over the ice, filling it up to leave room for a splash of soda water. 6. Gently top off with a splash of soda water, adding a slight fizz that brightens the rich flavors. 7. Garnish with an orange twist and a cinnamon stick, inviting the imbiber to stir their drink, blending the flavors further. The Smooth Jazz Serenade is more than just a mocktail; it's an experience. Each sip promises a journey through layers of smooth, rich, and bold flavors, reminiscent of a timeless jazz piece that stays with you long after the last note has played. Enjoy this masterpiece when you crave a moment of indulgence, sophistication, and soul.


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