Shake 'n' Berry Cream


Vodka, Baileys, strawberries, cream cocktail

Shake 'n' Berry Cream

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Approximately 20% ABV*
Approximately 250 calories*
Net Carbs
Approximately 8 grams of net carbs*
AI Request:A cocktail using a shaker, vodka and baileys strawberries and cream
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Indulge in the luscious combination of vodka, Baileys, strawberries, and cream with Shake 'n' Berry Cream. This tantalizing cocktail perfectly balances the boldness of vodka with the smooth and creamy flavors of Baileys, all complemented by the refreshing sweetness of fresh strawberries. Ingredients: - 2 oz vodka - 1 oz Baileys - 3-4 fresh strawberries, hulled - 1 oz cream - Ice cubes Instructions: 1. In a cocktail shaker, muddle the fresh strawberries until they release their juices. 2. Add vodka, Baileys, cream, and a handful of ice cubes to the shaker. 3. Vigorously shake the contents for about 15-20 seconds to ensure proper mixing and chilling. 4. Strain the mixture into a chilled cocktail glass filled with fresh ice cubes. 5. Garnish with a sliced strawberry on the rim or use a cocktail pick to skewer a few small strawberries as an elegant touch. 6. Serve and enjoy this heavenly blend of flavors. Cheers!


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