Orange Blossom Sour


Elegant balance of floral and citrus notes in a sour cocktail

Orange Blossom Sour

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Make a sour foamy fancy unique cocktail with these ingredients:gin, Cointreau orange liqueur, fresh lemon juice, sugar, egg white, orange blossom water, Bitters Recepie in gramms I want to taste the floral notes from the blossom water and the fruitiness sourness from the orange You can add ingredients to make it better Serves in a coupe with a dries orange slice
*Estimated by AI - may vary


This cocktail is a testament to the elegance and balance of floral and citrus notes, perfectly complemented by the smoothness of gin and the frothy texture provided by egg white. The Orange Blossom Sour is a modern twist on a classic sour, infusing the delicate aroma of orange blossom water with the fruitiness of Cointreau and the tartness of fresh lemon juice, all beautifully rounded off with a touch of sweetness and a dash of bitters to add complexity. It's a drink that looks as exquisite as it tastes, perfect for any occasion that calls for a touch of sophistication. Ingredients: - Gin: 45 grams - Cointreau orange liqueur: 15 grams - Fresh lemon juice: 25 grams - Sugar (preferably superfine): 10 grams - Egg white: 30 grams (about 1 egg white from a large egg) - Orange blossom water: 2 grams (roughly 2 dashes) - Bitters: 1 gram (about 1 dash) - Ice cubes - Dried orange slice for garnish Instructions: 1. In a cocktail shaker, combine the gin, Cointreau, fresh lemon juice, sugar, and orange blossom water. Shake these ingredients without ice (dry shake) to properly dissolve the sugar. 2. Add the egg white to the shaker. Perform a second dry shake (without ice) vigorously for about 30 seconds. This step is crucial to create the frothy, silky texture that makes sours so delightful. 3. Open the shaker and fill it with ice cubes. Shake vigorously again for about 15-20 seconds to chill the mixture properly and ensure a good froth. 4. Strain the cocktail into a coupe glass through a fine mesh strainer to ensure a smooth texture. The fine straining will also help create a beautiful layer of foam on top of the drink. 5. Add a dash of bitters on top of the foam. This will not only add a hint of complexity to the drink but also create an aromatic first impression. 6. Garnish with a dried orange slice. Float it atop the foam or place it on the rim of the glass for an elegant presentation. Serving: Serve in a chilled coupe glass to enhance the sophisticated experience. The wide bowl of the coupe allows the floral and citrus aromas to mingle and greet the nose with every sip, while the stemmed design keeps the cocktail at its optimal chilled temperature. The presentation is completed with the dried orange slice, adding a touch of elegance and a nod to the flavors within. This Orange Blossom Sour cocktail promises a harmonious blend of floral elegance, citrus brightness, and silky texture, making it a truly unique and memorable drink.


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