Orange Blossom Sour


Citrusy, floral gin cocktail with a silky foam topping

Orange Blossom Sour

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Make a sour foamy fancy unique cocktail with these ingredients:gin, Cointreau orange liqueur, fresh lemon juice, sugar sirup 1:1, egg white, orange blossom water, Bitters Recepie in gramms I want to highlight floral notes from the blossom water and the fruitiness from the orange
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Imagine sipping on a drink that captures the essence of a serene, sun-kissed garden filled with the most aromatic flowers and fruit trees. The Orange Blossom Sour is a harmonious blend of gin's botanical notes, the sweet citrus punch of Cointreau, and the delicate floral whispers of orange blossom water, all brought together under a silky foam that promises a truly captivating drinking experience. This cocktail is guaranteed to enchant your senses and transport you to a fragrant orange grove at the peak of bloom. Ingredients: - 45g London Dry Gin - 15g Cointreau Orange Liqueur - 20g Fresh Lemon Juice - 10g Sugar Syrup (1:1 ratio of sugar to water) - 15g Egg White - 2 Drops Orange Blossom Water - 3 Dashes Bitters (preferably orange bitters to complement the theme) - Ice for shaking Glass: - Coupe Glass Garnish: - A thin slice of orange or an edible flower that echoes the floral notes Instructions: 1. In a cocktail shaker, combine gin, Cointreau, lemon juice, sugar syrup, egg white, orange blossom water, and bitters. Dry shake (without ice) vigorously for about 15 seconds. This is crucial for creating a rich foam from the egg white. 2. Add ice to the shaker and shake again vigorously for approximately 10 seconds. This second shake chills the mixture and further aerates the egg white, making the foam even more luxurious. 3. Double strain the mixture into a chilled coupe glass. The double straining ensures a smooth texture by removing any ice shards or larger bubbles. 4. Garnish with a delicate slice of orange resting on the foam or an edible flower laid gently on top, enhancing the drink's visual appeal and emphasizing its floral character. 5. For an extra touch of sophistication, you can add a couple of drops of bitters on top of the foam and use a toothpick to swirl them into a pretty pattern. The Orange Blossom Sour is more than a cocktail; it's an experience, marrying complexity with refreshment, and elegance with excitement. It's perfect for special occasions or when you simply want to indulge in something uniquely delightful.


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