Neapolitan Dream


Nostalgic Neapolitan Dream cocktail

Neapolitan Dream

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:create a Neapolitan layered drink
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Experience the nostalgic flavors of childhood with our Neapolitan Dream cocktail. This layered drink combines the classic flavors of vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, creating a visual and sensory treat. Sip on this delightful concoction and let your taste buds take you back to the beloved Neapolitan ice cream. Ingredients: - 1 oz vanilla vodka - 1 oz chocolate liqueur - 1 oz strawberry liqueur - 1 oz heavy cream - 1 tablespoon chocolate syrup - 1 tablespoon strawberry syrup - Ice cubes Instructions: 1. In a cocktail shaker, combine the vanilla vodka and heavy cream with ice cubes. Shake well to mix and chill. 2. Pour the mixture into a tall glass, filling it up to one-third. 3. Slowly pour the chocolate liqueur over the back of a spoon into the glass to create a second layer. 4. Repeat the process with the strawberry liqueur, carefully pouring it over the spoon to create the final layer. 5. Drizzle the chocolate and strawberry syrups over the top of the drink for added decadence. 6. Serve with a long spoon or straw for mixing the layers together before enjoying. Indulge in the Neapolitan Dream, a delightful cocktail that perfectly captures the essence of the beloved ice cream trio. Cheers!


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