Montenegro Old Fashioned


Created By: @BarGPT

Classic cocktail with Italian herbal liqueur

Montenegro Old Fashioned

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

varies depending on the whiskey used*
approximately 180*
Net Carbs
approximately 5 grams*
AI Request:Old fashioned using fernet or amaro Montenegro
*Estimated by AI - may vary


This classic cocktail gets a twist with the addition of Amaro Montenegro, an Italian herbal liqueur, giving it a sweet and bitter complexity. Ingredients: - 2 oz bourbon or rye whiskey - 1/2 oz Amaro Montenegro - 1 sugar cube or 1/2 oz simple syrup - 2 dashes of Angostura bitters - Orange peel - Ice Instructions: 1. In a mixing glass, muddle the sugar cube with a few drops of water until it dissolves (skip this step if using simple syrup). 2. Add the Amaro Montenegro, bitters, and whiskey to the mixing glass and stir to combine. 3. Add ice and stir until well chilled and diluted. 4. Strain into an old fashioned glass with a large ice cube. 5. Garnish with a twist of orange peel, expressing the oils over the drink before dropping it in. 6. Enjoy the rich, complex flavors of this delicious Montenegro Old Fashioned!


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