Mocha Brew Sunset


Non-alcoholic, halal-certified cocktail with coffee, beer, chocolate, and vanilla

Mocha Brew Sunset

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:halal beer coffee
*Estimated by AI - may vary


The Mocha Brew Sunset is a non-alcoholic, halal-certified cocktail that combines the rich, robust flavors of coffee with the maltiness of non-alcoholic beer and the sweetness of chocolate and vanilla. Served in a frosted mug to enhance the refreshing yet comforting nature of the drink, it's perfect for a relaxing evening or a sophisticated social gathering. Ingredients: - 4 oz non-alcoholic halal beer (preferably a malt-forward variety) - 2 oz fresh-brewed espresso, cooled - 1 oz chocolate syrup - 1/2 oz vanilla syrup - Crushed ice - Whipped cream (halal-certified, if required) - Chocolate shavings or cocoa powder for garnish - Fresh mint leaf for garnish Instructions: 1. Begin by chilling a frosty beer mug in the freezer until a thin layer of frost forms on the glass. 2. In a shaker, combine the cooled espresso, chocolate syrup, and vanilla syrup with a cup of crushed ice. 3. Shake vigorously until the outside of the shaker feels cold to the touch. 4. Remove the chilled mug from the freezer and half fill with crushed ice. 5. Pour the non-alcoholic beer into the frosty mug until it's about two-thirds full, allowing for a gentle foam on top. 6. Slowly strain the shaken coffee and syrup mixture over the back of a spoon atop the beer, creating a layered effect reminiscent of a sunset. 7. Top with a dollop of whipped cream, ensuring to maintain the layered look. 8. Garnish with a sprinkle of chocolate shavings or a dusting of cocoa powder, and a fresh mint leaf. 9. Serve with a straw and a stirrer, encouraging guests to stir the layers together before sipping, to fully blend the flavors of this novel concoction. Enjoy the delightful blend of malty beer, rich coffee, and sweet chocolate in your very own Mocha Brew Sunset!


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