Midnight Mint Mocha


Decadent fusion of chocolate, mint, and coffee flavors

Midnight Mint Mocha

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Chocolate simple syrup, creme de menthe
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Indulge in a decadent fusion of bittersweet chocolate, refreshing mint, and rich coffee flavors. The Midnight Mint Mocha is an innovative cocktail that combines the depth of dark chocolate with the bright zing of crème de menthe, rounded off with a hint of coffee. Perfect for dessert or a late-night treat, this cocktail presents a luxurious blend of flavors that are sure to tantalize your taste buds. Ingredients: - 1 oz Chocolate simple syrup - 1 oz Crème de menthe (green for a splash of color) - 1 oz Vodka - 2 oz Cold brew coffee - Light cream, to taste - Ice cubes - Whipped cream, for garnish - Chocolate shavings or cocoa powder, for garnish - Mint sprig, for garnish Glass: Chilled highball glass Instructions: 1. Fill the highball glass with ice cubes to chill. 2. In a cocktail shaker, combine the chocolate simple syrup, crème de menthe, vodka, and cold brew coffee with a handful of ice. 3. Shake vigorously until well-chilled. 4. Remove the ice from the highball glass and strain the mixture into it. 5. Gently pour light cream over the back of a spoon to float it on top of the drink. 6. Garnish with a generous dollop of whipped cream, a sprinkle of chocolate shavings or a dusting of cocoa powder, and a mint sprig. 7. Serve immediately and enjoy the intricate layers of flavor in the Midnight Mint Mocha.


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