Maple Bacon Bourbon Bliss


Sweet and savory cocktail with maple, bacon, and bourbon

Maple Bacon Bourbon Bliss

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Varies depending on the bourbon used*
Approximately 200 calories*
Net Carbs
Approximately 10 grams of net carbs*
AI Request:An original cocktail to pair with a Duck Donuts maple bacon donut
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Embrace the sweet and savory symphony of flavors with the Maple Bacon Bourbon Bliss, a cocktail designed to complement the indulgent taste of a Duck Donuts maple bacon donut. This drink unites the smokiness of bacon, the woodsy notes of bourbon, and the rich sweetness of maple. The result is a decadent sipper that pairs perfectly with your delectable treat. **Ingredients:** - 2 oz Bourbon (preferably one with notes of vanilla and caramel) - 1/2 oz Pure Maple Syrup - 2 dashes of Walnut Bitters - 1 small strip of Crispy Bacon (for garnish) - Maple Sugar (for rimming the glass) - A small sprig of fresh thyme (for garnish) - Ice **Instructions:** 1. Rim an old-fashioned glass with maple sugar by wetting the edge of the glass with a piece of bacon and dipping it into the sugar. 2. In a shaker, combine the bourbon, maple syrup, and walnut bitters with ice. 3. Shake well until the outside of the shaker is frosty and chilled. 4. Strain the mixture into the prepared old-fashioned glass filled with large ice cubes. 5. Carefully drape the strip of crispy bacon across the rim of the glass or use it as a stir stick. 6. Add the sprig of fresh thyme as a fragrant garnish. 7. Serve immediately, alongside the maple bacon donut for a harmonious pairing that celebrates the fusion of sweet and savory. As you bite into the donut and follow with a sip of the Maple Bacon Bourbon Bliss, the complementary flavors will dance on your palate, transporting you to a world of morning comfort and gourmet delight.


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