Highland Harvest Haze


Refreshing whisky cocktail with autumn freshness

Highland Harvest Haze

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:A cocktail made with single malt whisky. Easy to prepare in batches as it's for 400 people event.
*Estimated by AI - may vary


This cocktail is a refreshing twist on traditional whisky drinks, incorporating the rich and smoky flavors of single malt whisky with a touch of autumn freshness. The drink is designed for easy batch preparation, making it perfect for large events like a gathering of 400 people. It's served chilled, offering a sophisticated yet accessible beverage that balances smoky depth with crisp, invigorating notes. Ingredients: - 2 liters Single Malt Whisky (preferably with a lighter, floral note) - 1 liter Apple Cider (clear, not cloudy, for a crisp taste) - 500 ml Ginger Beer (for a little spice and fizz) - 250 ml Lemon Juice (freshly squeezed for brightness) - 200 ml Maple Syrup (for a touch of sweetness and depth) - 10 dashes of Angostura Bitters (for complexity) - 1 liter Sparkling Water (to add effervescence) - Ice (for chilling) - Apple Slices and Thyme Sprigs (for garnish) Instructions: 1. In a large batch container, combine the single malt whisky, apple cider, ginger beer, lemon juice, maple syrup, and Angostura bitters. Stir well to ensure the maple syrup is fully dissolved and the flavors meld together. 2. Chill the mixture until ready to serve. This cocktail benefits from being served cold to enhance its refreshment factor. 3. Just before serving, add sparkling water to the mixture and stir gently to combine. This adds a nice effervescence without overpowering the other flavors. 4. To serve, fill highball glasses with ice. Pour the chilled cocktail over the ice, filling each glass to about three-quarters full. 5. Garnish each glass with a thin slice of apple and a small sprig of thyme for an aromatic touch. This cocktail is designed to be both elegant and approachable, with the single malt whisky providing a complex base that is beautifully complemented by the sweet and tart components. The Highland Harvest Haze is perfect for autumn events but versatile enough for any occasion requiring a large batch of refreshing, spirit-forward drinks.


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