Ginger Apple Sparkler


Refreshing cocktail with ginger and apple flavors

Ginger Apple Sparkler

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:ginger, apple juice arm cocktail. Include instructions for decorations
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Description: The Ginger Apple Sparkler is a refreshing cocktail that combines the spiciness of ginger with the sweetness of apple, creating a perfect balance of flavors. Its effervescent nature makes it an ideal drink for those who enjoy a light and invigorating cocktail. This drink is not only a delight to the palate but also a feast for the eyes, making it perfect for special occasions or a relaxing evening. Ingredients: - 2 oz Apple Juice (preferably freshly pressed) - 1 oz Ginger Syrup - 0.5 oz Fresh Lemon Juice - 2 oz Sparkling Water - 1.5 oz Vodka (optional for an alcoholic version) - Ice Cubes - For garnish: Thin apple slices, a sprig of mint, and a thin slice of ginger Glass: Serve in a highball glass. Instructions: 1. Fill the highball glass with ice cubes to chill. 2. In a shaker, combine the apple juice, ginger syrup, lemon juice, and vodka (if using). Add a handful of ice cubes. 3. Shake well until the mixture is well chilled. 4. Strain the mixture into the prepared highball glass, leaving enough room to top off with sparkling water. 5. Gently add the sparkling water to the glass, creating a gentle mix with the rest of the cocktail. 6. For decoration, slide thin apple slices down the inside of the glass for a visually appealing look. Add a sprig of mint and a thin slice of ginger on the rim as the final touch. 7. Serve immediately and enjoy the refreshing taste of the Ginger Apple Sparkler! The Ginger Apple Sparkler is a versatile cocktail that can be enjoyed with or without alcohol. Its unique combination of flavors and appealing decoration make it an unforgettable drink for any occasion.


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