Frosty Moxie Refresher


Bittersweet Moxie Refresher with citrus and berry notes

Frosty Moxie Refresher

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:A mocktail using Moxie soda
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Dive into a world of bittersweet effervescence with this non-alcoholic twist on a classic soda fountain drink. The Frosty Moxie Refresher combines the unique flavor of Moxie soda with citrus and berry notes for a sophisticated, thirst-quenching experience. Best served in a chilled Collins glass to enhance the refreshing qualities of this delightful mocktail. Ingredients: - 4 oz Moxie soda - 1 oz fresh lemon juice - 1 oz fresh lime juice - 0.5 oz raspberry syrup - 3-4 fresh mint leaves - Sparkling water to top up - Crushed ice - Fresh raspberries and a sprig of mint for garnish Instructions: 1. In the Collins glass, gently muddle the mint leaves with the raspberry syrup to release the flavors. 2. Fill the glass with crushed ice up to three-quarters full. 3. Pour in the fresh lemon and lime juice over the ice. 4. Slowly add the Moxie soda, allowing the bubbles to settle before topping up if necessary. 5. Top the mix with a splash of sparkling water for an extra fizzy lift. 6. Stir the mocktail gently to combine the flavors without bruising the mint. 7. Garnish with fresh raspberries and a sprig of mint. 8. Serve immediately with a straw to enjoy the layered flavors of this effervescent treat.


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