Frostbite Serenade


Gin, winter spices, refreshing serenade in snowy landscape

Frostbite Serenade

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:I need a gin or rum-based cocktail that is unique and that ideally can have a name that starts with "F"
*Estimated by AI - may vary


This Frostbite Serenade cocktail combines the crispness of gin with the warmth of winter spices, creating a drink that feels like a refreshing serenade amidst a snowy landscape. It's a unique blend that plays on the contrast of flavors and sensations, perfect for any season that calls for a little warmth mixed with refreshing coolness. Ingredients: - 2 oz Gin (preferably a botanical variety for added aroma) - 1/2 oz Blue Curaçao (for a stunning, frosty color) - 1/2 oz Fresh lime juice (for a touch of tartness) - 1/4 oz Simple syrup (adjust according to taste) - 1/4 oz Coconut cream (to add a velvety texture and tropical hint) - 1 pinch of Cinnamon (for a warming spice note) - 1 pinch of Nutmeg (to enhance the winter spice profile) - 3-4 Fresh mint leaves (for garnish, adds a fresh aroma and a hint of green to the blue) - Crushed ice Glass: - Serve in a chilled coupe glass to enhance the elegance and allow the beautiful color of the cocktail to shine through. Instructions: 1. In a shaker, combine the gin, Blue Curaçao, fresh lime juice, simple syrup, coconut cream, cinnamon, and nutmeg with a handful of ice. 2. Shake vigorously until well combined and chilled. 3. Strain the mixture into the chilled coupe glass filled with crushed ice, creating a frosty effect. 4. Garnish with fresh mint leaves delicately placed on top. The Frostbite Serenade is a visually stunning drink with a delightful contrast of flavors - the warmth of the spices and creamy coconut dance beautifully with the crispness of the gin and the tangy lime, all wrapped in a visually appealing icy blue. It's a cocktail that promises an unforgettable sensory experience.


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