Empire Skyline Soirée


Sophisticated cocktail inspired by Empire State Building

Empire Skyline Soirée

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:A cocktail that includes a shot that is Empire State Building themed
*Estimated by AI - may vary


The Empire Skyline Soirée is a sophisticated cocktail that takes you to the heights of the iconic Empire State Building, capturing the essence and grandeur of New York City's skyline. This drink is a layered masterpiece, incorporating elements that symbolize the city's night sky, the building's distinctive architecture, and the vibrant life within it. Served in a tall, slender highball glass, it not only represents the towering presence of the Empire State but also allows the layers to beautifully display the colors of a sunset against the city's silhouette. Ingredients: - 1 oz Blue Curacao - 1 oz Crème de Violette - 2 oz Gin (a high-quality, New York-produced gin if available) - 1 oz Lemon juice, freshly squeezed - 1 oz Simple syrup - 1 Egg white - 3-4 dashes of Orange bitters - Edible silver glitter (for garnish) - A small, Empire State Building-shaped ice sculpture or regular ice cubes Instructions: 1. In a cocktail shaker, add the gin, lemon juice, simple syrup, and egg white. Dry shake (without ice) vigorously for about 15 seconds to emulsify the egg white. 2. Add ice to the shaker and shake again vigorously until well chilled. 3. Gently pour the mixture over the Empire State Building ice sculpture or regular ice cubes in the highball glass, creating the base layer. 4. Slowly over the back of a spoon, pour the Crème de Violette to create the next layer. 5. Repeat the spoon technique with the Blue Curacao, allowing it to gently sit on top of the previous layer, creating a beautiful sunset effect. 6. Add 3 to 4 dashes of orange bitters on top. 7. For the final touch, sprinkle a pinch of edible silver glitter over the drink to mimic the twinkling lights of the New York City skyline. 8. Serve immediately with a cocktail straw. The Empire Skyline Soirée is a celebration of New York in a glass, offering a multi-sensory experience that's as mesmerizing to look at as it is delightful to sip. Cheers to the city that never sleeps!


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