Electric Citrus Wave


Vibrant and zesty vodka-based cocktail

Electric Citrus Wave

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Vodka cocktail with grapefruit juice
*Estimated by AI - may vary


The Electric Citrus Wave is a vibrant and zesty vodka-based cocktail, perfect for those looking to refresh their palate with a tangy twist. Featuring the bittersweet notes of grapefruit juice complemented by the subtle herbaceous hints of basil, this drink is a symphony of flavors that dances on the tongue. A dash of sparkling water adds a fizz that lifts the spirits, while a simple syrup balances the tartness with a touch of sweetness. Ingredients: - 2 oz Vodka - 3 oz Fresh Grapefruit Juice - 0.5 oz Fresh Lime Juice - 0.5 oz Simple Syrup (1:1 ratio of sugar to water) - 2 Fresh Basil Leaves - 1 oz Sparkling Water - Grapefruit Wedge for Garnish - Basil Leaf for Garnish Instructions: 1. In a shaker, muddle the basil leaves with the simple syrup and lime juice to release the flavors. 2. Fill the shaker with ice. 3. Pour in the vodka and fresh grapefruit juice. 4. Shake vigorously until the outside of the shaker feels cold. 5. Strain the mixture into a chilled highball glass filled with fresh ice. 6. Top off with sparkling water. 7. Gently stir to combine. 8. Garnish with a fresh wedge of grapefruit and a basil leaf. The Electric Citrus Wave is best served in a highball glass, showcasing its lively color and allowing plenty of room for ice to keep the drink chilled on a warm day. Enjoy this refreshing cocktail as a summery aperitif or a delightful companion to a light brunch.


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