Elderflower Blossom Martini


A delightful cocktail with a floral and herbal bouquet

Elderflower Blossom Martini

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Herbal flowery gin cocktail with : gin, cuecumber, basil, lime, store bought edlerflower syrup (30% sugar) and orange blossom water. Add ingredients or steps if necessary . Please recepie in grams
*Estimated by AI - may vary


This delightful cocktail blends the aromatic allure of herb and flower, featuring a refreshing composition of gin with a harmonious infusion of cucumber, basil, lime, elderflower syrup, and a hint of orange blossom water. It's a sophisticated, garden-fresh drink that brings a floral and herbal bouquet to your glass, perfect for a summer evening. Glass: Chilled Martini Glass Ingredients: - 60g Gin (a floral gin works best) - 30g Fresh cucumber juice (peel and juice the cucumber, then strain to get a clear juice) - 10g Fresh lime juice (about 1 lime, depending on size and juiciness) - 15g Store-bought elderflower syrup (30% sugar) - 5g Fresh basil leaves (about 4-5 medium leaves) - 2g Orange blossom water (a little goes a long way) - Ice cubes - Cucumber slice and a basil leaf for garnish Instructions: 1. In a cocktail shaker, muddle the basil leaves gently with the elderflower syrup and lime juice to release the flavors. Be careful not to shred the basil, as you want to avoid bitterness. 2. Add the gin, cucumber juice, and orange blossom water to the shaker. 3. Fill the shaker with ice cubes, cover, and shake vigorously for about 15-20 seconds or until well chilled. 4. Double strain the mixture into the chilled martini glass to remove the basil leaves and any ice shards. 5. Garnish with a thin cucumber slice and a small basil leaf floating on top. 6. Serve immediately and enjoy the harmonious blend of floral and herbal notes in your Elderflower Blossom Martini. Tip: To intensify the cucumber essence, let slices of cucumber infuse in the gin for a few hours before preparing the cocktail. This step is optional but can add a deeper layer of freshness to your drink.


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