Eclipse of Thyme


Simple yet sophisticated cocktail with herbal, citrus, and sweet flavors

Eclipse of Thyme

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Varies depending on the gin used*
Approximately 180 calories*
Net Carbs
Approximately 12 grams of net carbs*
AI Request:Easy cocktail with a few ingredients
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Description: This cocktail is a simple yet sophisticated mix that elegantly balances herbal, citrus, and sweet flavors. It's easy to make and perfect for those looking to impress with minimal ingredients. The Eclipse of Thyme evokes the serene moment of an eclipse where day and night seem to embrace, with thyme symbolizing the connection between the earth and the cosmos. Ingredients: - 2 oz Gin (a botanical gin works well here) - 3/4 oz Fresh lemon juice - 1/2 oz Honey syrup (equal parts honey and water, dissolved together) - Fresh thyme sprigs - Ice cubes - Lemon twist, for garnish Instructions: 1. In a cocktail shaker, muddle a sprig of fresh thyme to release its oils. 2. Add the gin, lemon juice, honey syrup, and a scoop of ice to the shaker. 3. Shake vigorously until the outside of the shaker feels cold. 4. Double strain into a chilled coupe glass to remove the small bits of thyme. 5. Garnish with a fresh sprig of thyme and a lemon twist. Type of Glass: Serve in a coupe glass for an elegant presentation that complements the simplicity and refined nature of this cocktail.


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