Eastern Metropolis


An innovative twist on the classic Manhattan cocktail

Eastern Metropolis

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

varies depending on the specific brands and proof of the ingredients*
approximately 200*
Net Carbs
approximately 10 grams*
AI Request:A twist on the manhattan inspired to the Asian flavour use homemade infusion, you can choose from homemade syrup or cordial or shrub, use also any type of liquor and bitter , give me the measurements in ML not in OZ and explain me all the processes
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Description: Embrace the allure of the East with the Eastern Metropolis, an innovative twist on the classic Manhattan cocktail. This drink infuses traditional Asian flavors through a sophisticated homemade lychee and ginger syrup, blended with a rich Japanese whisky, and accentuated by a unique touch of sake and Asian-inspired bitters. The result? A cocktail that not only pays homage to the timeless Manhattan but transports you to the vibrant streets of Tokyo, blending the old with the new in every sip. Ingredients: - 60ml Japanese Whisky - 20ml Sake - 15ml Homemade Lychee and Ginger Syrup - 2 Dashes of Asian-inspired Bitters (think flavors like shiso or yuzu if available) - Garnish: Thinly sliced ginger or a lychee fruit Glass Type: Serve in a chilled coupe glass. Process: **Homemade Lychee and Ginger Syrup Preparation:** 1. In a saucepan, combine 200g of fresh, pitted lychees and 100g of peeled and roughly chopped ginger with 500ml of water. Bring to a boil and then simmer for about 20 minutes. 2. After the mixture has reduced slightly, add 250g of sugar, stirring until dissolved. 3. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve, pressing on the solids to extract as much liquid as possible. Let the syrup cool before using. This can be stored in a refrigerator. **Cocktail Assembly:** 1. In a mixing glass filled with ice, combine 60ml of Japanese whisky, 20ml of sake, and 15ml of the lychee and ginger syrup. 2. Add 2 dashes of your chosen Asian-inspired bitters. 3. Stir well for about 30 seconds, ensuring the mixture is well chilled. 4. Strain the drink into your chilled coupe glass. 5. Garnish with a thinly sliced piece of ginger or a lychee fruit on the rim of the glass. The Eastern Metropolis is a bridge between continents, a sip of harmony where East meets West. Its complexity mirrors the bustling streets of an Asian metropolis, while holding onto the soul of a Manhattan. Enjoy this refined cocktail as a celebration of fusion, where traditional boundaries are blurred to create something truly innovative and exquisite.


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