Dragon Whisper Sour


Exotic dragon fruit gin sour cocktail

Dragon Whisper Sour

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Simple garnish ideas with Dragonfruit Gin sour cocktails
*Estimated by AI - may vary


This innovative cocktail combines the exotic flavors of dragon fruit and the classic sour to create a visually stunning and deliciously refreshing drink. The use of dragon fruit gin not only adds an intriguing hue but also imparts a unique taste that's both floral and sweet, perfectly complemented by the sour components. It's a drink that's as enthralling to look at as it is to sip. Ingredients: - 2 oz Dragon Fruit Gin - 0.75 oz Fresh Lime Juice - 0.5 oz Simple Syrup - 1 Egg White (for froth; can substitute with aquafaba for a vegan option) - Ice - A splash of Soda Water (optional, for a slightly fizzy texture) Glass: Serve in a chilled coupe glass for an elegant presentation. Garnish: 1. **Dragon Fruit Star:** Thinly slice a piece of dragon fruit and use a star-shaped cutter to create a charming garnish that floats beautifully on top of the frothy surface. 2. **Lime Zest Twist:** Use a peeler to create a thin strip of lime zest. Twist it over the drink to release its oils, then drape it on the rim for a pop of color and a hint of lime aroma. 3. **Edible Flowers:** A small edible flower, such as a pansy or a viola, placed on top of the foam can add a touch of elegance and color contrast, making the drink Instagram-worthy. 4. **Dragon Fruit Balls:** Using a melon baller, create small balls of dragon fruit to skewer on a cocktail stick. This not only adds to the visual appeal but also gives your guests a little fruity snack along with their drink. Method: 1. In a shaker, combine dragon fruit gin, fresh lime juice, and simple syrup. 2. Add the egg white/aquafaba and dry shake (without ice) vigorously for about 15 seconds to create a nice foam. 3. Add ice to the shaker and shake again until well-chilled. 4. Strain into the chilled coupe glass. 5. If desired, add a splash of soda water for a slight fizz. 6. Carefully add your choice of garnish to the top of the foam. The Dragon Whisper Sour is a cocktail that promises a journey for the senses, with its eye-catching look, aromatic presence, and a balance of sweet and sour flavors that will leave your guests asking for more.


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