Crystal Orchard Breeze


Refreshing apple and lychee cocktail with mint and fizz

Crystal Orchard Breeze

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:I want a chilled and sweet cocktail and feel fresh when drink.
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Imagine sipping on a drink that takes you through a serene orchard on a breezy day, with every sip refreshing your senses and leaving a sweet, crisp taste that lingers. The Crystal Orchard Breeze is just that - a chilled, sweet cocktail that not only refreshes but delights the palate with its innovative blend of flavors. This cocktail combines the sweetness of apple, the exotic touch of lychee, and a hint of mint to create a fresh, fruity experience. **Ingredients:** - 1.5 oz Vodka (preferably a premium brand for a smoother taste) - 1 oz Lychee liqueur - 0.5 oz Fresh lime juice - 2 oz Clear apple juice (for that crisp, fresh taste) - 1 oz Soda water (to add that refreshing fizz) - Fresh mint leaves (a small handful) - Slices of green apple and lychee (for garnish) - Ice cubes **Instructions:** 1. In a cocktail shaker, muddle a few mint leaves gently to release their aroma and flavor. Don't shred them. 2. Add the vodka, lychee liqueur, fresh lime juice, and clear apple juice into the shaker. 3. Fill the shaker with ice cubes and shake vigorously for about 15-20 seconds, chilling the mixture well. 4. Strain the mix into a chilled highball glass filled with ice cubes to maintain its cool temperature. 5. Top it off with soda water to give it that refreshing fizz and stir gently. 6. Garnish with a delicate fan of green apple slices and a lychee on the rim of the glass. Add a sprig of mint for that final touch of freshness. **Glass Type:** Serve in a chilled highball glass to maintain the coolness and to showcase the clarity and beauty of the drink, much like peering through a crystal-clear orchard stream. The Crystal Orchard Breeze is the epitome of a refreshing summer cocktail, perfect for warm evenings or as a delightful afternoon treat. Its balance of sweetness, refreshing mint, and the fizz makes every sip an invigorating experience. Enjoy!


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