Crossroad Blues Sparkler


Harmonious blend of Prohibition Spirits in a highball glass

Crossroad Blues Sparkler

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Create a cocktail that includes Prohibition Spirits Lemon Spritz Apéro Americano (Bitter lemon Aperol, inspired by the French 75 cocktail, a refreshing and balanced taste with the bright spring of mustard grass),Prohibition Spirits Elderflower Brandy Liqueur (Silky elderflower with passionfruit, grapefruit and pear), any Sonoma Syrup Co. product and any FeverTree products. Include any Traditional Blue's song into the name of the cocktail.
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Dive into the heart of a spirited musical era with the Crossroad Blues Sparkler. This cocktail is a harmonious blend of Prohibition Spirits with a nod to the soulful depths of traditional blues. It's served in a highball glass, symbolizing the tall tales and deep emotions blues music conveys. This refreshing drink combines the complex, bitter lemon notes of Prohibition Spirits Lemon Spritz Apéro Americano and the silky, floral hints from Elderflower Brandy Liqueur, creating a melody of flavors that sing with each sip. Sonoma Syrup Co.'s Vanilla Bean Simple Syrup weaves in a smooth, sweet underlying note, perfectly complementing the elderflower and bitter lemon. To finish, FeverTree Premium Soda Water adds a crisp, effervescent quality that lifts the drink, much like a high note soaring in a blues classic. Ingredients: - 1 oz Prohibition Spirits Lemon Spritz Apéro Americano (Bitter lemon Aperol) - 1 oz Prohibition Spirits Elderflower Brandy Liqueur - 1/2 oz Sonoma Syrup Co. Vanilla Bean Simple Syrup - FeverTree Premium Soda Water - Ice cubes - Grapefruit twist, for garnish - Sprig of thyme, for garnish Method: 1. Fill a highball glass with ice cubes to chill. 2. In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, combine the Lemon Spritz Apéro Americano, Elderflower Brandy Liqueur, and the Vanilla Bean Simple Syrup. 3. Shake well until the outside of the shaker feels cold. 4. Strain the mixture into the prepared highball glass. 5. Top off with FeverTree Premium Soda Water to your desired level of fizz. 6. Gently stir to combine the flavors. 7. Garnish with a twist of grapefruit to introduce a citrus aroma and a sprig of thyme for an herbaceous note. The Crossroad Blues Sparkler captures the essence of a bygone era while delivering a modern twist. Enjoy this cocktail as a refreshing homage to the soulful, emotive power of blues music, perfect for sipping while soaking in the rich stories of traditional blues songs.


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