Christmas Mocha Mirage


Delectable, dessert-like cocktail with coffee, rum, and chocolate

Christmas Mocha Mirage

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:please create a recipe with Tia Maria for Christmas day and give it a name
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Description: The Christmas Mocha Mirage is a delectable, dessert-like cocktail that captures the essence of the festive season. It combines the rich, coffee flavor of Tia Maria with the warmth of spiced rum and the sweetness of chocolate, all while evoking the comfort of a cozy Christmas with a hint of orange zest. This cocktail is perfect for sipping by the fire after a hearty Christmas meal. Ingredients: - 1.5 oz Tia Maria - 1 oz Spiced Rum - 1 oz Heavy Cream - 0.5 oz Chocolate Syrup - 2 oz Hot Coffee - A pinch of Ground Nutmeg - A pinch of Ground Cinnamon - Orange Zest (for garnish) - Whipped Cream (for topping) - Chocolate Shavings (for garnish) Glass: Serve in an Irish coffee glass to maintain the warmth and showcase the layers of this festive treat. Instructions: 1. Begin by warming the Irish coffee glass with some hot water, then discard the water to ensure your cocktail stays warm. 2. To the glass, add the Tia Maria, spiced rum, and chocolate syrup, stirring until the syrup is well incorporated. 3. Pour in the hot coffee and stir the mixture to blend all the flavors. 4. Carefully float the heavy cream on top by pouring it over the back of a spoon to create a distinct layer. 5. Garnish with a dollop of whipped cream, a sprinkle of ground nutmeg and cinnamon, and add a spirited twist of orange zest on top. 6. For the final touch, sprinkle some chocolate shavings over the whipped cream. 7. Serve immediately, inviting your guests to stir the cream in as they sip, mixing the festive flavors with each indulgent mouthful. Enjoy the Christmas Mocha Mirage as an indulgent end to your Christmas feast, or as a warming nightcap to wrap up a day filled with holiday cheer.


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