Cherry Bubblecake


Cherry Bubblecake cocktail

Cherry Bubblecake

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Cherry Bubblecake red_edible_flower flute_glass sparkling_rose_wine no_shaker
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Description: Indulge in the delightful fusion of cherries and sparkling rose wine with a playful twist of red edible flowers. This effervescent cocktail will transport your taste buds to a whimsical world of sweetness and bubbles. Best enjoyed in a flute glass, the Cherry Bubblecake is a true celebration in every sip! Ingredients: - 1 oz cherry liqueur - 4-5 fresh cherries - 4-5 red edible flowers - Sparkling rose wine - Ice cubes Instructions: 1. Begin by muddling the fresh cherries in a mixing glass until they release their juices and flavors. 2. Add the cherry liqueur to the mixing glass and stir gently to combine. 3. Prepare your flute glass by placing a few red edible flowers at the bottom for an enchanting presentation. 4. Fill the flute glass halfway with ice cubes. 5. Carefully strain the cherry liqueur mixture into the flute glass, allowing it to surround the red edible flowers. 6. Slowly pour the sparkling rose wine over the mixture, filling the glass until it is almost full. 7. Garnish the Cherry Bubblecake with a floating red edible flower on top. 8. Serve this delightful concoction and enjoy the enchanting fusion of cherries, bubbles, and floral notes! Note: To enhance the sweetness, you may rim the glass with sugar before preparing the Cherry Bubblecake. Simply wet the rim of the flute glass and dip it into sugar, creating a sugary coating that adds an extra touch of decadence.


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