Cheesecake Charm


Decadent dessert cocktail with cream cheese and raspberry flavors

Cheesecake Charm

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Create a original cocktail with cream cheese. Use homemade liqueur or syrup or any ingredients. and discript all recipe. Not use oz instead of ml
*Estimated by AI - may vary


The Cheesecake Charm is a dessert cocktail that indulges your sweet tooth while offering a sophisticated depth of flavors, designed to mirror the beloved dessert in liquid form. This innovative concoction seamlessly blends the richness of cream cheese with homemade raspberry liqueur, presenting a delightful symphony of creaminess and tang. It's garnished with a graham cracker rim and a fresh raspberry, completing the cheesecake experience. Serve this in a chilled martini glass for an elegant presentation. Ingredients: - 60 ml Vanilla Vodka - 30 ml Homemade Raspberry Liqueur (recipe below) - 20 ml Fresh Lemon Juice - 1 Tablespoon Cream Cheese, softened - 10 ml Simple Syrup - Crushed graham crackers for rimming - Fresh raspberries and a lemon twist for garnish Homemade Raspberry Liqueur: To make the raspberry liqueur, combine 250g of fresh raspberries with 500 ml of vodka and 200g of caster sugar in a sealable glass jar. Shake well and let it sit in a dark, cool place for about 3 weeks, shaking it every few days. After 3 weeks, strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth into another container, pressing the raspberries to extract all their flavor. Your homemade raspberry liqueur is ready to use. Instructions: 1. Begin by preparing your martini glass. Rub the rim of the glass with a lemon wedge and dip it into crushed graham crackers to coat thoroughly. Set aside. 2. In a cocktail shaker, combine the vanilla vodka, homemade raspberry liqueur, fresh lemon juice, cream cheese, and simple syrup. Fill the shaker with ice. 3. Shake vigorously until the outside of the shaker feels cold and the cream cheese is well incorporated, about 20-30 seconds. 4. Strain the mixture into your prepared martini glass, ensuring the liquid is smooth. 5. Garnish with a fresh raspberry on the rim and a twist of lemon over the top. The Cheesecake Charm offers a deliciously decadent experience, perfect for dessert lovers looking for something unique. The cream cheese adds an unexpected yet delightful texture and taste that balances beautifully with the sharpness of the raspberry and lemon, making it an unforgettable cocktail.


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