Autumn Sapphire Sour


Non-alcoholic autumn-inspired mocktail with a blue hue

Autumn Sapphire Sour

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:A Sour mocktail with an autumnal touch and some blue vibes
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Description: The Autumn Sapphire Sour is a non-alcoholic mocktail that combines the bright, tangy notes of a classic sour with the earthy undertones of autumnal spices and an enchanting blue hue. This innovative drink is a perfect blend of sweet, sour, and spice, making it an ideal choice for those crisp fall evenings or any time you desire a burst of seasonal flavors without the alcohol kick. Ingredients: - 1.5 oz Seedlip Spice 94 (non-alcoholic spirit) - 0.75 oz fresh lemon juice - 0.5 oz blue butterfly pea flower tea, cooled - 0.5 oz maple syrup - 1 oz apple cider (non-alcoholic) - A dash of ground cinnamon - A dash of ground nutmeg - 1 egg white (for the frothy top; can substitute with aquafaba for a vegan option) - Apple slices and/or a cinnamon stick for garnish - Ice Instructions: 1. Begin by brewing a small amount of blue butterfly pea flower tea and let it cool. This will give the mocktail its vibrant blue color. 2. In a cocktail shaker, combine the Seedlip Spice 94, fresh lemon juice, cooled blue butterfly pea flower tea, maple syrup, apple cider, ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg, and egg white. 3. Dry shake (without ice) vigorously for about 15-20 seconds to emulsify the egg white and create a creamy froth. 4. Add a handful of ice to the shaker and shake again for about 10 seconds to chill the mixture properly. 5. Double-strain the mixture into a chilled coupe glass to remove any ice shards and ensure a smooth froth layer on top. 6. Garnish with a thin apple slice and/or a cinnamon stick to amp up the autumnal feel. Glass: - Coupe glass The Autumn Sapphire Sour's stunning blue color, enhanced by the natural dye of the butterfly pea flower tea, contrasts beautifully with the traditional warm tones of fall, while the Seedlip Spice 94 adds the complex flavors of the season without any alcohol content. Enjoy this harmonious blend of seasonality and creativity in every sip!


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