Amber Energy Elixir


Bold and invigorating cocktail with amaretto, whiskey, and Monster Energy Drink

Amber Energy Elixir

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 7.5 oz

Net Carbs
AI Request:Cocktail with Amaretto, whiskey and monster
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Description: The Amber Energy Elixir is a bold and invigorating cocktail that merges the smooth, slightly sweet profiles of amaretto and whiskey with the intense energy kick of Monster Energy drink. Ideal for a night out where stamina and flavor are required, this drink offers a complex taste experience with a blend of nutty, sweet, and vibrant notes. Ingredients: - 1 oz Amaretto - 1 oz Whiskey (preferably a bourbon for its sweetness to complement the amaretto) - 4 oz Monster Energy Drink (original flavor for a classic touch, or an alternative flavor to add a twist) - 0.5 oz Fresh Lemon Juice (adds brightness and balances the sweetness) - Ice Cubes - Lemon Twist or Maraschino Cherry for garnish (optional) Glass: - Highball Glass Instructions: 1. Fill a highball glass with ice cubes to chill. 2. In a cocktail shaker, combine the amaretto, whiskey, and fresh lemon juice with a handful of ice. 3. Shake vigorously for about 10-15 seconds to chill and mix the ingredients well. 4. Strain the mixture over the ice in the highball glass. 5. Top with Monster Energy Drink, gently stirring to integrate all the components without losing the effervescence. 6. Garnish with a lemon twist or a maraschino cherry per your preference. 7. Serve immediately and enjoy the electrifying blend of flavors and energy! This Amber Energy Elixir is perfect for those who want to enjoy their night with sustained energy and a sophisticated palate. The amaretto's sweetness, the whiskey's warmth, and the Monster's revitalizing power make for an unforgettable cocktail experience.


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